I have a new handphone!
I had been looking around for a new handphone. My old Sony Ericsson T610 that faithfully accompanied me since Feb 2004 was declared dead in September and I received a temporary replacement of Motorola M1. However there were 1001 reasons that I didn’t like M1 phone and so I started my hunt again.
Initially I was intended to get myself an Iphone, well nobody can just resist that cutting edge gadget right? But that idea was abandoned soon after I saw the price at 900 Euro in a Brussels store!
Several considerations for my new phone search are:
- Not necessary the latest model, as it tends to be 2 times more expensive, and after a few months the value will drop anyway with more new models to come out…
- although not latest model, it should not come with old technology either.
- Either Stick phone or Slider phone
- Has speaker and can play music
- Camera
- It is both mp3 and radio player
- Can take picture and video
- Great features
- Impressive experience with the simulator on Sony Ericsson website
- Nice look
- And most of all, it’s Sony Ericsson!
- Reasonable price at 269 euro
Just when I was rather indecisive between these 2 models, I came across Sony Ericsson K550i on a review website. To my amazement, it has EXACTLY the same features as W610i, slightly different look but the same size with lighter weight! Above all, I found it at 159 euro in a big shop nearby! (other shops that I have visited tagged it at 179 euro)

Without hesitation, I tested the simulation on S.E. website and it is just too enticing! So my decision was confirmed and since last week I am a proud owner of K550i phone! Oh boy, it really worth every penny spent. The music quality is just so good, no wonder S.E. is always the leader on music phone! I am also captured by many new functions in the phone, and the navigation too! The picture quality is acceptable at 2Mb, and it comes with many useful features!
An example of a night picture I took in a Christmas market without much light (and it still yielded good result!):
Another picture taken in the next morning when I was doing ice-skating:
I have been listening to radio day and night, and whenever I went out on the street, to do shopping or cut my hair today… always with my earphone plugged to my previous K550i. I don't need to transfer many songs into the phone (besides I have an ipod for that), with radio channels I have basically access to endless songs!
If I have to point out some defects, it would be the default built-in memory. It comes only at 64mb. Well, that wouldn't fit many pictures, videos and mp3 in for sure. The second thing would be the auto internet connection. I just have to be so careful to avoid any connection to internet with a wrong click on a button, especially when I put the phone in my pocket and forget to activate the keylock!
Oh yes, Luc offered it to me as my Christmas present!